Workshops, Retreats, and Courses
for Healing, Transformation, and Peace
" Şefkatli bir kültür yaratmak devrim niteliğinde bir fikirdir.
Şefkatli Devrim'e hoş geldiniz."
Ami Ji Schmid
Topluluk Oluşturma
When we humans explore together and with Nature, we understand that we are not alone. We realize that we have similar struggles, are tenants of the same planet, and breathe in and out of the same air and energetic field. We feel a sense of solidarity and connection. We care more authentically for ourselves, each other, Nature, and beyond. We find gratitude for the parts within ourselves, and for ourselves as part of the whole. Exploring this together, we hold space for our individual and shared growth. Together, we build a community of practice that moves us toward understanding and compassion.
Toplama Araçları
Düşüncelerimiz ve duygularımızla fiziksel bir formda enerjetik bir güç olarak varız. Sıkışmış yerleri ortaya çıktıkça gevşetmek, açmak ve genişletmek için araçlar kullanırız. Gittikçe daha fazlasını topladıkça araçlarımızı saklayan bir araç kutusu yaratırız. Psikosentezin psikolojik ve ruhsal çerçevesi, araçları tutmak için olağanüstü derecede yararlı bir kaptır. Araçlarımızı çıkarır ve sağlıklı bir akış ve bütün bir varoluşu sürdürmek için düzenli olarak kullanırız.
"İşe yarayan bir araç var," dedi Bilge Kişi... "Kullandığınız araçtır." Topluluk içinde, araçlarımızı kullanmamız hatırlatılır ve desteklenir. Sağlıklı alışkanlıklar ve yardımcı uygulamalar geliştiririz. İzin vermeyi, kabul etmeyi, minnettarlık hissetmeyi, huzurumuzu bulmayı ve şefkate uyumlanmayı uygularız. İçimizde kaçınabileceğimiz veya kaçınabileceğimiz ve kucaklamamız ve iyileşmemize yardımcı olmamız gereken parçalarımız olduğunu fark etmeye geri dönmeyi uygularız. Parçalarımızdan herhangi birinden daha büyük olduğumuzu ve daha büyük bir şeyin parçası olduğumuzu hatırlarız.
TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses for families, groups, and communities support:
Daily stress- and trauma-release
Individual and communal healing
Grief and grieving individual and communal loss
Self-care, boundary-setting, and communication skill-building
Finding and implementing solutions
Storytelling and sharing our stories
Cultural change toward equity and compassion
TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses encompass, embrace, and cultivate compassion:
Offering accessible and integrative tools, time to practice, and support
Releasing stress, Healing trauma, Accepting loss
Normalizing grief - from small to large losses, from personal to the collective
Expanding our ability to understand, embrace, and integrate compassion
TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses are for:
Individuals, Families, Groups, Businesses, Communities
Collaborators, Lifelong learners, Creative thinkers, Heart-based empaths, Seekers
Leaders who want to gain/maintain compassionate, equitable, and ethical practices
Mediators, Advocates, Artists, Parents, Teachers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselors, Coaches, Healers, Medics, Palliative Care Workers, End-of-Life Doulas
TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses illicit:
Intimate, cathartic, and transformational experiences and connections
A personal and shared commitment toward compassion and equitability
Tools and concepts to use and share
Inner, familial, and communal peace
Written material for personal and/or public use
"TCR workshops, retreats, and courses include the point and all its neighbors. They are
Holistic and Comprehensive"
- Daniel K, Vermont
veya yerleşik birinden seçin
Seçenekler Menüsü
- Negotiable
- Negotiable
A soul psychology to help us understand, accept, connect, and expand.
Negotiable- Negotiable
- Negotiable
- Negotiable
- Negotiable
- Negotiable
- Negotiable
500+ hour training in Five Body Yoga® and Compassionate Community Retreats®
TCR Atölyeleri, İnzivalar ve Kurslar
Şefkatin Kayıp Öğrenimi
Stresi serbest bırakın, travmayı iyileştirin, kaybı kabul edin, kedere izin verin
We are at a UNIQUE TIPPING POINT in hystory. Each of us holds WEIGHT and POWER. If you are ready to be a part of the REVOLUTION toward a COMPASSIONATE and EQUITABLE future, TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses will help you establish healthier habits, a plan and steps toward the goal of Compassionate cultural change, and the opportunity to collaborate with others in the Movement. Your participation will change you. Your changes will ripple out to those you serve, your community, the world, and beyond.
We all hold within us Trauma as old as the Big Bang. When we learn to recognize our own internalized trauma, learn and use tools to heal it, and commit to this process as an ongoing lifestyle, we are HEALING THE PAST and CHANGING THE FUTURE. We are breaking a pattern - no longer passing trauma on to our descendants. We can restructure our mind and lifestyle to include daily releases of stress, ongoing healing of trauma, a realistic reframing and acceptance of loss, a deep reverence for Grief as Sacred Teacher, and a gentle allowing of the ongoing process of grieving. When we do these things, we are doing our part to help create a compassionate and equitable future for ourselves, our family and friends, those we serve, our community, and the world. We are embodying the change. We are supporting this change in others. We are changing the culture. We are being part of the solution.
TCR workshops, retreats, and courses offer professional, effective, ongoing Educational Training and Compassionate Support for those ready to make this commitment.
The Compassionate Revolution (TCR) is an emerging university, a collaboration, a project, an evolving library, and an experiential learning forum.
TCR was founded by Ami Ji Schmid* and enhanced by friends and colleagues. TCR was born from a shared vision for a supportive educational setting where we can (personally and collectively) evolve compassion. It's a place for:
learning, listening more deeply and communicating from our loving brain and heart
strengthening our commitment toward a whole sense of Self, stepping more fully into the present, and following our higher calling
consistently re-aligning ourselves toward an equitable and sustainable world culture that includes healing and compassion
becoming a role model, mentor, and contributor within the emerging culture of compassion
creating compassionate writing, meant to be shared with the world
The realization that the world is broken has become more visible to more people and we are at a tipping point:
pandemic(s), environmental crisis, political divide, a long-overdue increased awareness of social and racial injustice, gun violence and ongoing wars
all-time high levels of “diseases of despair” (addiction, depression and suicide) due to loneliness, stress, trauma and loss
There is a solution, and it is housed in compassion. Compassion starts with understanding... understanding that every person has daily and accumulated stress, personal and collective trauma, large and small losses, and much to grieve.
When we allow Grief to be part of our life and to become our sacred teacher, we begin to understand compassion; we begin to find the solution to calming the world's madness.
You are invited to be part of the solution. You are invited to join The Compassionate Revolution.
Participants of TCR workshops, retreats, and courses will be authentically and compassionately supported while deep diving into self-care and healing practices, and expanding our Spiritual Allyship.
TCR workshops, retreats, and courses offer personal journeys, educational training, and are a hotbed for collaboration toward change.
TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses include:
time to personalize and metabolize new material and (re)build healthy habits
an introduction to racial and social justice practices and spiritual allyship
ongoing opportunities to listen for your personal calling, strengths, and areas to (compassionately) heal, transform, and grow
Mindfulness and meditation practices
opportunities to understand and practice forgiveness and radical self-acceptance
learning and practicing clear, compassionate, non-violent, and authentic communication
ongoing, supported time and space to build trust, connections, and collaboration
the opportunity to meet Grief as Sacred Teacher
time to document your journey
The curriculums are designed to cultivate intimate, cathartic and transformational experiences and connections, and to establish a personal and shared commitment toward creating a compassionate and equitable world for all to live in. TCR Workshops, Retreats, and Courses are designed for personal and professional growth.
*Ami Ji Schmid
Ami Ji created and facilitates Five Body Yoga® and Compassionate Community Retreats®
For more information about Ami Ji, please visit TLC Coaching and Consulting Services HERE.
Alli Lubin | Musician/Teacher | Chester, Vermont
"Bu kurs, derin bir nefes almak, içeriye bakmak için güvenli bir alan sağlıyor.
"Kalbinden konuş ve ruhunla dinle."
Nancy Blickenstaff | Retired Administrator | Massachusetts
"CRGG Kurs 1 hayatımı değiştirmede etkili oldu .
Hiç acı çekmediğimi düşündüğüm zamanlarda bu durumla başa çıkmama yardımcı oldu.
Stresten kurtulmak ve harika, ilgili kolaylaştırıcıların olduğu güvenli bir yere sahip olmak bana yardımcı oldu
Geçmiş travmalarla başa çıkmak, PTSD semptomlarını önemli ölçüde azaltmak .
2021 CRGG Kurs 1'deki deneyimim o kadar inanılmaz bir deneyimdi ki, 2022'de tekrar katılacağım. "
Kathylee Hazel | Akran Savunucusu | Virginia
" 2021 yılında ilk TCR kursumu aldığımda , eşim yeni ölmüştü ve işimi kaybetmiştim.
Son 27 yıldır tanıdığım herkesten ve her şeyden uzaklaştığımı hissettim, şoktaydım ve çok büyük bir üzüntü duydum.
TCR grubu kısa sürede güçlü bir arkadaş ağı ve ihtiyaç duyulan bir fikir alışverişi ortamı haline geldi.
Bu tür bir bağlantı, benim için sakin ve istikrarlı bir iyileşme sağlamanın anahtarıydı .
Kurs boyunca şefkati geliştirdik ve hem kişisel hem de kolektif travmaları iyileştirmek için araçlar öğrendik.
Sağlıklı kişisel alışkanlıklar geliştirmek, grupta paylaşımda bulunmak, başkalarını dinlemek ve birlikte öğrenmek
müfredatın zenginliğine eklendi
daha fazla araştırma için çok sayıda gömülü bağlantı içeriyordu.
Ben "Bu materyali tekrar ziyaret etmeyi ve tekrar katılmayı gerçekten sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum . "
Alli Lubin | Müzisyen/Öğretmen | Vermont, ABD
"Kurs, derin bir nefes almak, içeriye bakmak için güvenli bir alan sağladı.
"Kalbinden konuş ve ruhunla dinle."
Nancy Blickenstaff | Vermont, ABD
"TCR Kurs 1 hayatımı değiştirmede etkili oldu.
Hiç acı çekmediğimi düşündüğüm zamanlarda bu durumla başa çıkmama yardımcı oldu.
Stresten kurtulmak ve harika, ilgili kolaylaştırıcıların olduğu güvenli bir yere sahip olmak bana yardımcı oldu
Geçmiş travmalarla başa çıkmak, PTSD semptomlarını önemli ölçüde azaltmak .
TCR Kursu 1'deki deneyimim o kadar inanılmazdı ki, tekrar alacağım ."
Kathylee "Kat" Hazell | Akran Savunucusu | Maryland, ABD
"İlk TCR kursumu aldığımda, bağımlılıktan kurtulma sürecim henüz erken bir aşamadaydı.
Bu kurs bana iyileşme sürecinin ilk dönemlerindeki iniş çıkışları aşmam için daha fazla araç sağladı.
Kursun 16 hafta olmasını takdir ediyorum çünkü bana
Malzemeyle oturup onu düzenli pratiğime dahil etme zamanı.
Ben daha iyiyim kaybın ve kederin birçok şekilde ortaya çıktığını anlayın,
ve bu stres ve travmanın vücudumda tutulabileceğini ve sıkışabileceğini.
Bu kurs bana kendim için araçlar ve diğer insanlara karşı kendimi göstermeme yardımcı olan araçlar verdi.
TCR benim gelişimim için hayati önem taşıyordu ve pratiğimi derinleştirmek için daha fazla kursa katılmayı sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum.
RF | Vermont, USA
TCR Atölyeleri, İnzivaları ve Kursları artık çevrimiçi olarak mevcuttur ve bizzat!
Nerede olursanız olun TCR atölyelerine, inzivalarına ve kurslarına katılabilirsiniz. Bu çevrimiçi veya şahsen deneyimsel ve samimi buluşmalar 2-4 saatlik atölyelerden hafta sonu veya bir aylık inzivalara, 16 haftalık kurslara ve uzun vadeli eğitimlere kadar uzanır. Tüm TCR atölyeleri, inzivaları ve kursları kişisel ve entelektüel öğrenmenin ötesine geçerek Evrensel Dostluk ve devam eden iş birliklerinin Kolektif Bilinçli yaşam tarzına doğru ilerler.
TCR'nin grubunuz için neler yapabileceğini öğrenin ...
Example: 16-week Course Curriculum
Module 1
week 1: Understanding + Releasing Stress (part 1)
Building a cohesive group: Meet and greet; agreeing on Group Guidelines
Understanding Stress: Healthy stress, Cumulative stress, Stress > Trauma
Releasing stress by moving the Physical Body
Tuning in to the Psychological Function of "Sensation"
Touch: Self-Massage, Reflexology, Acupressure Points
Breathing and Breath work, Humming, Qigong Shaking
Walking and Dance: Ecstatic Dance, Contact Improv, Gaga
Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates
Alexander Technique: Lengthening, Widening, Undoing
Tuning in to the Psychological Function of "Need, Impulse, Desire"
Play and Sleep
Rest, Be, Grieve
week 2: Releasing Stress (part 2)
Releasing stress by moving the Mental Body
Journaling, Talking, Sharing
Mindfulness and Meditation
Reset your mind through Reframing
CBT tool: ABCD method
Intro to Psychosynthesis
Egg Diagram, Subpersonalities, Both/And
Forgiving, Compassion, Gratitude (exercises)
Rest, Be, Grieve
week 3: Releasing Stress (part 3)
Releasing stress by moving the Emotional, Spiritual, and Energetic Bodies
Tuning in to the Psychological Function of "Feeling, Emotion"
Accessing Emotions and Increasing Emotional Intelligence
Moving Emotions and "Whimper Cry"
Tuning in to the Psychological Functions of "Intuition" and "Imagination"
Accessing Transpersonal Qualities
Ecotherapy in 3 Cultures. Nature and Negative Ions
Chakras and Chakra Meditation
Qigong, Energy Medicine, Aura Clearing
Rest, Be, Grieve
week 4: Pouring out stress for all: Moving toward Systemic Change
Extending Self-Care Tools
Systemic Degrees of Stress, Marginalized peoples, Oppression, Privilege
the Privilege Walk
Allyship and Becoming a strong Social Justice Ally
the Triangle of Social Justice Allyship
Interrupting Bias: Calling In and Calling Out
DO's and DON'Ts of Allyship
Changing Culture
Module 2
week 5: Understanding Personal + Racialized Trauma
Defining Trauma
Understanding Somatic Experiencing of Psychological Trauma
The Nervous System
The Vagal Nerve
Micro Aggressions
Trauma Retention, Responses, and Re-enactment
Soul Wounds
Intergenerational, Historical Trauma
How Trauma Affects Culture
- Racialized Trauma
week 6: Spiritual Allyship: Moving toward Systemic Change (part 2)
Review Stress Management and Trauma
The Collective Unconscious and Engaging the Will
Communication Skills
Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
Guidelines to Listening and Active Listening
Communication Enhancers and Blockers
"I" Statements
Clean Pain vs Dirty Pain
Calling In and Calling Out
Understanding and Interrupting Unconscious Bias
Understanding "Culture"
Whiteness and White Culture
Essential Aspects of Creating/Changing Culture
8 Steps for Moving Toward Systemic Change
week 7: Healing Trauma
The Do's and Don'ts of Healing Trauma
Slow down, Focus on Comfort, Ability, and Connection in the Present Moment
Strengthening the Unifying Center
Reframing and Building New Pathways
Tools to Heal Psychological Trauma
"Parts" work
Psychosynthesis, Psycho Drama, Shadow Self, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Integral Life Practice
Sharing | Giving Back | Symbiotic Healing
Bilateral Stimulation, Butterfly Hug
Entheogenic Medicine and Holotropic Breath Work
Recommended Books
week 8: Healing Trauma (part 2)
Shaking out Trauma
Qigong Shaking, TRE (Tension stress Trauma Release), Somatic Experiencing
"Release and Replace"
Healing Affirmations
Restorative Yoga and Alexander Technique
More on the "Soul Nerve" (Vagal Nerve)
Healing Personal and Intergenerational Trauma
more on Clean Pain, The 5 Anchors, "Stop, Drop, and Roll"
Settling and Activation
Harmonizing with Other Bodies
Module 3
week 9: Understanding + Accepting Loss
The Universality of Loss and Lack of...
Understanding Equality. Equity, and Liberation
Death, Cumulative Loss, Expressing Loss
Building Tolerance, Presence, and Acceptance
Loss and Found
Striving for a Resilient Mindset
"Loving ourselves while not being OK is enough"
week 10: Understanding + Allowing Grief
The many reasons to grieve
Uncovering Hidden Grief
Collective Grief, Redemption, and Reciprocity
What is Grief and Grieving?
The Spectrum of Grief and Secondary Losses
Circular Stages, Phases, and Characteristics of Grief
Do's and Don'ts when Supporting the Bereaved
Gifts of Grief and Grieving
Normalizing and Allowing Grief and Grieving
week 11: Synthesizing Grief and Life
Both/And Exercise
The Four Questions (with regards to Grief)
Adapting to a Changed Reality
Grieving in our Daily Lives
week 12: Creating Avenues for Grieving
Opening to Grief through Deep Journaling
Module 4
week 13: Creating Avenues for Grieving (part 2)
Review: Stress, Trauma, Loss, Grief
Looking back: the Ancestors and the Big Bang
Looking forward: Trauma is Passed Forward; Trauma becomes Culture
Healing and Grieving: Looking back, forward, and Present
Guided Meditation and Writing to your Ancestor
Completing the Action that was thwarted
Using the 5 Anchors while doing Trauma Healing work
Guided Meditation and Healing in the Present
Harmonizing with Others
Guided Meditation and Writing from your Descendant
week 14: Creating Avenues for Grieving (part 3)
Creating Space for Wisdom to Enter: "Mistakes", Shamanic Healing and Polyrhythms
Understanding and Creating Rituals
Cultural Rituals
Creating a Personally Meaningful Ritual
week 15: Creating Avenues for Grieving (part 4)
Review: How trauma becomes culture and Building a culture of resilience and flow
Essential aspects of Creating Culture
Moving toward systemic change through cultural change
Creating a compassionate culture for healing + grief
Guided Meditation and Writing with the Future Compassionate Council
Creating a Strategic Plan with Steps
week 16: Implementing our Compassionate Action Plan
Review TCR Course 1 material
Action plan: forming collaborations
Örnek Ders Ücreti: 16 HAFTALIK DERS
Bireysel Ders Ücreti
Olağanüstü bir yaşam boyu öğrenme yolculuğuna katılın .
Ami Ji ile şu adresten iletişime geçin:
Destek Sistemi
İkisi 1998 dolara
Birlikte kaydolun, kurs boyunca birbirinizi destekleyin,
ve 250$ tasarruf edin her biri!
A mi Ji ile şu adresten iletişime geçin :
Spread the Love
(for returning participants)
$849 each
Take TCR Course 1 again, invite a friend,
and both save $400!
Contact Ami Ji at:
Küçük Grup Fiyatları
Değişken Fiyatlandırma
Grubunuz için:
en az 12
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